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Minisode Monday #78 | Harnessing Emotions for Powerful Storytelling



Welcome to Minisode Monday, where we kick off the week with something quick and actionable -- to make you more magnetic and effective -- that you can implement right away. Marsha Shandur of Yes Yes Marsha rejoins us (check out her full episode here) with ways we can harness emotions for powerful storytelling -- and what to leave out for better effect. Let's get to it! The Cheat Sheet: Telling a good story well literally floods your listener's brain with dopamine (which helps with information processing) and oxytocin (which makes them trust you more). Contrary to popular belief, it's not usually the addition of too many details that ruins good storytelling; it's not including enough of the right details. What are the right details? How living through the story made you feel -- the emotions the experience generated. As we share the story with others, tuning them in to these emotions allows them to better relate. Beginning a story with an action sequence (as Marsha demonstrates) places an information gap that h