

We all want attention, approval, and acceptance. But we can’t expect others to give us that if we don’t approve of ourselves. Most often, the reason we struggle with self-acceptance is because we are running away from the brutal truths of life. In today’s episode of The Art of Charm, we run the other way, towards those these uncomfortable facts, to unpack and examine them. From understanding that nobody actually cares about you to accepting the finality of death, this episode leaves no room for the fearful. Here are some of the questions we explore. The Cheat Sheet: What are the some of the brutal truths of life that we don’t want to think about? How does accepting the finality of death make you feel more free? Why do men run away from their emotions instead of embracing them? How does technology corrupt our ability to enjoy intimacy? How is the term ‘adulting’ just a cover-up for your aversion to responsibility? And so much more… Full show notes at