

Cultivating empathy is crucial in developing solid relationships in our personal and professional lives -- but what exactly is it, how is it different from sympathy, why did Michael Ventura found a company based on it, and what steps can we start taking today to work on it? What to Listen For Why getting it wrong is human and how it can enable you to embrace making mistakes. How does being vulnerable help to motivate those around you? What is the core principle of empathy? The seven archetypes of empathy as described in Michael Ventura’s book, Applied Empathy, and how knowing them can improve your relationships inside and outside the office. What one exercise can you start doing right now to be more present? How a severe injury and Eastern medicine altered the course of Michael Ventura’s life to lead him to found Sub Rosa and writing Applied Empathy. What empathy is NOT. Empathy versus sympathy and why sympathy leads to disconnection instead of connection. How do sociopaths use empathy against us
