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766: Michael Herold on living a full life when the odds are stacked against you | Q&A



Personal transformation is a long and arduous process, but we all have to start somewhere, so how do you know when it’s time to make such a drastic change, what can you do to stop from feeling overwhelmed in the beginning, and how do you know when it’s time to graduate from one step to the next? What to Listen For Why is making a list important in accomplishing your goals? What can you do to deal with the fear of public speaking? What simple exercises can you do right now to expand your comfort zone? How did Michael Herold get his start as a public speaker and coach? What steps should you take when starting out as a public speaker to make sure you feel ready on stage? Where can you get practice as a public speaker if you don’t have a coach and you’re not taking classes? How can you be more appreciative of your significant other after you two settle into the comfort stage of the relationship? How important is it to set aside time for one another when you’re in a relationship? What steps can you take