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Bob Gower and Alexandra Jamieson | The Art of Flexible Boundaries



In today’s episode, we answer your questions and cover the All In Method with Alexandra Jamieson and Bob Gower. Alexandra is the bestselling author of five books, and co-creator / co-star of the Oscar-nominated documentary Super Size Me, and Bob is a New York-based consultant, writer, and speaker. All of us have different values and beliefs guiding us through life, and the differences between two people can lead to damaging friction if they are not dealt with directly, so what can you do to get everyone on the same page and working toward a common goal while respecting each other? What to Listen For What is the All In Method (AIM) and how can you use it to maintain and strengthen your relationships, especially with those you work with? What questions can you ask yourself and others to develop more empathy and strengthen relationships with those you care about or work with? What is the value of boundaries and how do you start a conversation about your boundaries? Why can being rigid with your boundaries