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Dr. Johannes Mallow | Boost Your Memory By Using These Ancient Techniques



In today’s episode, we cover memory improvement and competition with Dr. Johannes Mallow. Johannes is a 2-times World Memory Champion, completed a PhD thesis on the topic of Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and worked as a researcher and engineer at the University of Magdeburg. Our ability to recall complex information is one of our defining characteristics as humans, but what do we get wrong about memory, what daily exercises can you perform to improve your memory, and what can you learn about memory from a memory world champion? What to Listen For Dr. Johannes Mallow’s journey into memory games – 1:46 What do people enjoy about memory competitions? What exercises can you do to train your memory and improve it? How does Dr. Johannes Mallow memorize a deck of cards in 20 seconds? The science of memory vs the sport of memory – 14:35 What is the brain great at memorizing and how can you use that fact to avoid forgetting important information? How does training for memory sports impact yo