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How To Build Trust with Anyone Using Social Engineering | Christopher Hadnagy



In today’s episode, we cover social engineering with Christopher Hadnagy. Chris is an IT entrepreneur, IT security consultant, and the best-selling author of five books including his latest Human Hacking: Win Friends, Influence People, and Leave Them Better Off for Having Met You. Social engineering is an effective tool to get what you want, but what is social engineering, how can you use it to instantly build rapport with complete strangers, and what should you look for if you think someone is using it against you?  What to Listen For Introduction – 0:00 What is social engineering and how do people use it every day? How to Build Rapport  – 10:10  Why is it important to learn how to build rapport and how do you go about learning it? The Four Questions of Trustworthiness – 25:18 What are the four questions we ask ourselves to determine whether or not we can trust someone? How can you build rapport instantly with someone you’ve just met?  When is flattery NOT ok? – 41:30 When should you avoid complimen
