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3 Secrets to Instantly Win Anyone Over from a Corporate Spy | Robert Kerbeck



In today’s episode, we cover social engineering and corporate espionage with Robert Kerbeck. Robert is the founder of the Malibu Writers Circle, his essays and short stories have been featured in numerous magazines and literary journals, and his new memoir, RU$E: Lying the American Dream from Hollywood to Wall Street, is a thrilling look into his career as a secret corporate spy. Espionage has been around for as long as people have kept secrets, but what do corporate spies do to get information from unsuspecting employees, what should you be on the lookout for to protect yourself and your company, and how do you become a corporate spy? What to Listen For Introduction – 0:00 How do you become a corporate spy? How do corporate spies prepare for deceptive calls with competitors? Corporate Espionage Tools of the Trade – 13:36 What is a false time constraint and how do scammers and spies use them to manipulate you? How do scammers and corporate spies manipulate you to get whatever information they want? How
