Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #767 – The Internet's Most Viral Animals



Everybody loves animals. Even if you don’t have a pet, you can’t help but ooh and aw over a dancing squirrel, a skateboarding dog or a cute cat.Is our collective fascination over animals a genuine interest in them, or part of a larger desire to see our own human qualities in the world around us?Cartoons draw on our fascination with seeing human attributes into everyday objects or animalsDisney built his entertainment company on this desire to see human qualities in mice, dogs and ducks. But equally we’re just as attracted to singing teapots, desk lamps or even a candelabra.Cuteness is irresistible. Shows like ours depend on stories of animals doing extraordinary things, acting like people or even learning to speak their own names.But there is a another edgier, wilder category of animal based culture, and that is online viral phenomena.Like Disney cartoons, these videos, moving graphics or pictures pull us in with animals doing human activitiy, but unlike Disney, they also tap into our darker psyche. Like a tu