Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #1884 – Reina Valentino: A Real Sneak Peek into Lady Gaga’s Muppets Holiday Special



Lady Gaga is back on TV, and this time around she’s not wearing Kermit the Frog, she’s singing duets with him and all the Muppets.On Thanksgiving night, Lady Gaga stars in a 90-minute special with the Muppets featuring Elton John, Joseph Gordon Levitt and RuPaul.Today we’re giving you a real sneak peak into Gaga’s holiday special with the dirt on the show you won’t hear about anywhere else.Gaga in muppets- According to an interview with Kermit, Gaga won’t be slicing and dicing their bodies into her fashion couture.Also joining us is nightclub personality Reina Valentino, who like Amanda Lepore is notorious for having tons of plastic surgery and entertaining gentleman callers.➤ Lady Gaga has a nervous breakdown on Twitter, posts pretty much every negative photo taken of her in the past 5 years.➤ A new biography on gay icon Gore Vidal says he slept with pretty much every man in Hollywood.➤ Britney Spears says “Work Bitch” is an homage to her gay fans, and not Jessie Pinkman.➤ Despite anti-gay laws, openly gay c