5 Minute Italian

21: Fa caldissimo! How to talk about the weather in Italian



Italians talk about the weather just as much the English do, so it’s an essential skill to master. Find out how to talk about the weather in this episode of 5 minute Italian. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-weather-words/ Today's words che tempo fa? = What's the weather like? che = what tempo = weather fa = does fa caldissimo = it's extremely hot (literally it does hot) caldo = hot freddo = cold fa freddo = it's cold fa freddissimo = it's extremely cold gradi = degrees è = it is è nuvoloso = it's cloudy è nuvolosissimo = it's extremely cloudy piove = it's raining piove molto = it's raining a lot nevica = it's snowing nevica molto = it's snowing a lot c'è sole = it's sunny (literally there is sun) c'è molto sole = it's very sunny (literally there is lots of sun). Subscribe here: courses.joyoflanguages.com/5-minute-italian/ If you found this lesson useful, please take a second to give