5 Minute Italian

28: How to pay for things at the till



You know that feeling when you get to the till in a foreign country but you don’t know the language, so you just point and pray that they don’t ask you anything? Well, that won't happen in Italy anymore! In today’s episode, you’ll learn how to pay for things and understand the questions shop assistants might ask you at the till. Learn to speak and understand Italian faster! To get free bonus materials for this episode, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-travel-phrases-pay-till/ Today’s words Sachetti? = Would you like a bag? (lit. bags?) Sacchetto/busta/sportina = plastic bag (the difference is regional) Due grazie = Two please (lit. two thank you) Quant’è? = How much is it? Quanto costa = How much does it cost? Quanto viene? = How much does it come to? Sono venti e cinquanta = It’s twenty euro fifty (lit. they’re twenty and fifty) Posso pagare con la carta? = can I pay by card? Certo = certainly/of course Carta o bancomat? = Credit card or debit card? Ban