5 Minute Italian

33: Review: how to travel around Italy on trains, trams, buses and...boats!



In today’s lesson, you’ll learn how to get around Italy on public transport, using only Italian. And you’ll practice using all the handy words and phrases for travel we’ve been learning over the last 3 lessons. Learn to speak and understand Italian faster! To get bonus materials for this lesson including transcripts and flashcards, visit our website here: http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-travel-phrases-public-transport/ Today's words and phrases Si può comprare un biglietto per Capri qui? = Is it possible (literally “can one”) buy a ticket for Capri here? qui/qua = here (interchangeable) Quanto costa un biglietto per Capri? = how much does a ticket to Capri cost? (literally = how much costs a ticket for Capri?) Quanto tempo ci mette? = How long does it take? A che ora torna l’ultima? = What time does the last one come back? (literally = what time returns the last one?) Intro: Ciao by Lee Maddeford(Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License).