5 Minute Italian

42: Buona Pasqua! How do Italians celebrate Easter?



How do Italians celebrate Easter? Where do they go? What do they do? Do they eat as much chocolate as we do? Find out, and learn the special “gossip” form of Italian verbs you can use to talk about what other people are doing. Learn to speak and understand Italian faster! To get bonus materials for this lesson including transcripts and flashcards, head over to our website: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-italians-celebrate-easter/ Practice chatting Italian with Matteo and Katie in the private 5MI Facebook group. Request to join here: www.facebook.com/groups/1530878703636977/ Today’s Italian words Buona Pasqua! = Happy Easter Che cosa fanno gli italiani a Pasqua? = What do Italians do at Easter? Cucinano molto = They cook a lot Cucinare = to cook Cucinano = They cook Che cosa cucinano? = What do they cook? Cucinano l’agnello = They cook lamb Cucinano le lasagne = they cook lasagne Cucinano dolci = They cook desserts/sweets Mangiano molto cioccolato! = They eat a lot of chocolate! Che cos’altro fanno? = What else