Web Radio Today




MUSIC AND HEALTH ANCHOR POINTE, The Faith and Fitness Podcast Faith, Diet, Exercise, Attitude, Positive Imagery, Music and Research TRANSCRIPT This transcript is computer generation.  The computer doesn't know we spell Anchor Pointe with an E.  It also makes other mistakes from time to time. Charlotte (00:00) This is the XBHS Radio Network Skip Orem (00:02):  Hi everybody from Nashville. I'm Skip Elm, and this is the Anchor Point podcast. Thank you so much everybody for making the choice to listen to Anchor Point. Anchor point today is being recorded at the X B H S radio printers Alley Studios here in the music city, Nashville, Tennessee, the city of Nashville. It continues to grow so many new people moving here every single day, and I, I know the attraction of the Nashville area because I was one of those peopl