Please join us Sunday mornings at 10:00 at the Spears YMCA in northwest Greensboro.
Following Christ Together with Our Children - Audio
22/10/2017 Durata: 37minWe continue in our sermon series on the Gospel according to Mark. This week Rev. Stone brings us a message about following Christ together with our children.
Following Christ Together in Marriage - Audio
15/10/2017 Durata: 37minWe continue in our sermon series on the Gospel according to Mark. This week Rev. Stone brings us a message about following Christ together in Marriage. From the creation, God designed marriage to be a lifetime commitment between a man and a woman.
The One Who Is Not Against Us Is For Us - Audio
08/10/2017 Durata: 40minWe continue in our sermon series on the Gospel according to Mark. This week Rev. Stone brings us a message about God's grace, truth and justice. We need to be reminded that heaven and hell are real. Discipleship is radical. We must struggle against sin in our lives rather than be resigned to it. This passage is a warning that exposes our pride and arrogance.
The Way Up is the Way Down - Audio
01/10/2017 Durata: 35minWe continue in our sermon series on the Gospel according to Mark. In this week's message we learn what it takes to be great in God's Kingdom.
Help My Unbelief! - Audio
24/09/2017 Durata: 37minWe return to our sermon series on the Gospel according to Mark. Rev. Stone brings us a message this week about faith from Mark 9 based on the account of Jesus healing a boy with an unclean spirit. We see a broken world full of personal problems, cultural concerns, and spiritual struggles. This creates a distorted life of harsh criticism, self-reliance, doubt and fear. The boys father says "if you can do anything" and "I believe: help my unbelief!" Jesus responds "all things are possible for one who believes." In what or in whom does your faith rest? Prayer is evidence of faith.
Being Content - Audio
17/09/2017 Durata: 33minWe conclude this sermon series on the Ten Commandments with a message on the 10th commandment - coveting and contentment. Why are we not more content and joyful when others prosper? What are we most inclined to covet? 1. quest for comfort, 2. quest for approval, 3. quest for power, 4. quest for control. These are false idols - the Gospel helps us put covetousness to death. It provides true comfort, approval, power and control.
Telling the Truth - Audio
10/09/2017 Durata: 40minThis week we focus on the 9th commandment - telling the truth - as Rev. Stone continues our summer sermon series based on the Ten Commandments. The power of words. The destruction of lies - Lies distort the gospel, lies deceive us, lies seduce us and lies destroy us. The 9th commandment presumes God loves truth and justice. Why do we lie? we fear the truth, to protect ourselves due to our insecurity, we seek the approval of others. The gospel makes us lovers of the truth - Jesus sets us free from insecurity, we no longer need others' approval because we have His approval. We can then move forward: 1. give others access to who they really are (avoid flattery) 2. Speak honestly about our own life (no more exaggeration) live in bold humility. 3. we can protect the reputation of our neighbors.
Respecting Property - Audio
03/09/2017 Durata: 38minRev. Stone continues our summer sermon series based on the Ten Commandments. The 8th commandment presumes 1. our stuff is actually good, 2. a right to private property and 3. things are acquired through effort. What is the big idea of 8th commandment? Matthew 19 story of the rich young ruler - a thief's heart. Examples of theft. How the gospel transforms another thief's heart from taker to giver.
Honoring Sex and Marriage - Audio
28/08/2017 Durata: 43minRev. Stone continues our summer sermon series based on the Ten Commandments. The Bible really has a "sex positive" message. God places boundaries around valuable things like our sexuality. Our culture tells us to glorify gifts (money, power, sex), but the Christian ethic says to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. The biblical context for sexual expression is one man and one woman in marriage. What about polyamory/polygamy, homosexuality, non-marital sex, pornography and lust? Remember that Jesus can fix your past and present sin.
Respecting Life - Audio
20/08/2017 Durata: 29minOur summer series on the 10 Commandments continues. Rev. Stone explains how the root of all murder is anger. Anger comes from feat, sadness and loss. Murder is fundamentally an issue of the heart. However, reconciliation is at the very heart of the Gospel. Is it ever OK to be angry? Ephesians 4:26 discusses righteous anger against evil and injustice.
The Christian Chameleon - Audio
14/08/2017 Durata: 21minKirk Elder Kent Shore brings us a message based on Jesus' Parable of the Talents. Our master Jesus has given us a deposit of the Holy Spirit. What should we do with it? Why don't we do what we should?
Well, Now What? - Audio
07/08/2017 Durata: 27minAs the Kirk becomes a particular church in the Presbyterian Church in America, Rev. Randy Edwards brings us a message of welcome.
On Being Presbyterian - Audio
07/08/2017 Durata: 22minRev. Stone brings us a message about the Presbyterian form of church government as the Kirk becomes affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America. Acts 15 gives us a picture of Presbyterianism. Practical values of Presbyterianism include 1. help with divisive issues, 2. standards (gospel and doctrine). 3. accountability, and 4. encouragement.
Honoring Your Parents (Part 2) - Audio
31/07/2017 Durata: 32minThis week's message concludes the discussion of God's command to honor our parents and other God-ordained authorities.
Honoring Your Parents (Part 1) - Audio
23/07/2017 Durata: 38minThis week's message explores God's command to honor our parents and other God-ordained authorities. In this first part, some words to parents and those in authority: avoid hypocrisy, pride, and legalism. How can we cultivate honor and respect? Remember who your heavenly is. Rely on divine grace.
O Day of Rest and Gladness - Audio
16/07/2017 Durata: 32minThis week's message helps us understand the Sabbath principle. Jesus said that the Sabbath is made for man, not man for the Sabbath. The goodness of work: Our work matters to God and God matters to our work. We are to celebrate the Lord's Day - different and dedicated. The Lord's Day is a celebration.
Honoring God's Name - Audio
10/07/2017 Durata: 29minRev. Stone continues with a message in the Kirk's summer sermon series, The Good Life - Relating to God and People Through the Ten Commandments. In this message Rev. Stone discusses how to honor God's name and what it really means.
Worshiping God His Way - Audio
03/07/2017 Durata: 33minRev. Stone continues with a fourth message in the Kirk's summer sermon series, The Good Life - Relating to God and People Through the Ten Commandments. In this message Rev. Stone explains the second commandment where God reveals to us how we need to worship Him.
No One or Nothing Before God (Part 2) - Audio
26/06/2017 Durata: 32minRev. Stone continues with a powerful third message in the Kirk's summer sermon series, The Good Life - Relating to God and People Through the Ten Commandments. In this second part we learn how to apply the first commandment to our lives. We discuss three prevailing idols: pleasure/comfort, approval of others, power & control. How can these idols be dismantled? 1. Acknowledge the problem, 2. Starve the idols through the means of grace (the Word, prayer, sacraments, relationships with God's people. 3. Replace with new affection for Jesus Christ. Look to Jesus for comfort, approval and power.
No One or Nothing Before God (Part 1) - Audio
18/06/2017 Durata: 35minRev. Stone brings us the second message in our summer sermon series, The Good Life - Relating to God and People Through the Ten Commandments. In this message we learn what does the first commandment call us to? Understand why when we break the first commandment we break all the others and vice-versa.