What does it really mean to follow Jesus? Find out here. Listen to past sermons from Rooftop Church in St. Louis, MO. Rooftop is a place where you can bring your doubts and questions. We'll work through them with you.
Man On Fire, Part 3: "The Watcher on the Wall" (Isaiah 21:1-10)
01/11/2020What does it mean to be a prophet? The prophet Isaiah is called by God to be a watchman warning Judah of the dangers ahead—warnings they didn’t heed. God gives us watchmen, too—but it’s up to us to listen to their warnings.
Man On Fire, Part 2: "The Prophet, the Sign-Giver"
25/10/2020One of the jobs of a prophet was to give people signs from God. Isaiah was no different, giving many miraculous signs from God to God‘s people. What is the purpose and reason for the signs?
Man On Fire, Part 1: “Whom Shall I Send Into the Nuclear Reactor?” (Isaiah 6:1-13)
18/10/2020Isaiah 6 records an incredible scene in the Bible: the prophet Isaiah’s vision of God. It’s a painful one involving hot coals on lips and angels who have to cover up. We might not be prophets but we have a lot to learn from Isaiah’s vision—about God’s holiness, his mercy, and his call on our lives.
National Disaster, Part 6: The Job's Not Finished
11/10/2020We are blessed so that we can be a blessing to others. As the people of God, our calling is to be "a light to the nations," "the light of the world," to love our neighbor, care for the vulnerable, and exercise justice. Pastor Schuyler reminds us that we still have some work to do.
National Disaster, Part 5: Judah and the Three Amigos
04/10/2020Isaiah calls out God's people for making an unholy alliance instead of relying on God. Pastor Matt asks what unholy alliances do we make for our own security?
National Disaster, Part 4: False Religion
27/09/2020The Kingdom of Judah was guilty of empty religious practices. Pastor Jeremy challenges us to repent of just going through the motions.
National Disaster, Part 3: Leadership Failure
20/09/2020Pastor Matt looks at another of Judah's sins--following corrupt leaders. What does it mean for us when God's leaders fail?
National Disaster, Part 2: Watch the Throne
13/09/2020Who's on the throne of your heart? Pastor Schuyler continues our study of Isaiah as we look at Judah's idolatry.
National Disaster, Part 1: Stinky Grapes
06/09/2020Pastor Matt kicks off our study of the book of Isaiah looking at the sins of Judah. But are we any better as his people today?
The Great Reversal
07/06/2020The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus gives us many lessons. Most notable is that in God's kingdom, people will experience the Great Reversal - the first will be last and the last will be first. Find out what that means for you and me.
Prayer in a World of Crisis
31/05/2020Crisis is a chance to cry out to God who is always with us. What better time than now.
Servanthood in a World of Selfishness
24/05/2020What does it mean to serve one another in a time when self-preservation is the prevalent priority? Find out how to put others first in a pandemic.
Compassion in a World of Suffering
19/04/2020Find out what compassion looks like when we are socially isolating.
Our Easter Coronas
12/04/2020Jesus traded his crown of thorns for a crown of victory, which he is willing to share with us. Find out how in this Easter message.
Sheep and Goats
05/04/2020The parable of Sheep and Goats teaches us that Jesus will be the one who sees inside our hearts in the end.
Caught Slippin'
22/03/2020In the parable of the faithful and unfaithful servants, the mater returns and one gets caught slipplin'.
The Person You Love the Least
15/03/2020The parable of the Good Samaritan doesn't just mean we should be good to everyone. It means we should love the person we despise the most.
Saying Vs Doing
08/03/2020In the parable of two sons, Jesus tells us that follow-through is more important than good intentions. Find out why.
A Friend at the End
01/03/2020Jesus appears to condone lying and stealing in the parable of the shrewd manager. But his point may be most complex when you look at the context. Find out what Jesus might mean.
The Strong Man
23/02/2020Jesus tells us in a parable that he will defeat the devil so that he can reclaim his people. But what response should we have to his victory? Find out.