What does it really mean to follow Jesus? Find out here. Listen to past sermons from Rooftop Church in St. Louis, MO. Rooftop is a place where you can bring your doubts and questions. We'll work through them with you.
The Art of Christian Compromise
06/01/2019What sort of "disputable matter" is getting in your way of unity with other Christians? Find out when you should compromise.
Forgoing Freedom, Finding Faith
30/12/2018Find out how to grow your faith when as you defer to others and serve them.
The Way of Peace and Love
23/12/2018Rather than judging people, go out of your way to live at peace, says the Apostle Paul. What does that mean for us today?
The Church: A Judgement-Free Zone
16/12/2018Judging can take on many forms like stereotyping, ignoring, gossiping, and revenge. How do Christians do the difficult task of creating “judgement-free zones”?
(Don't) Have It Your Way
09/12/2018In a world with endless choices, people expect to always get things their way. But as Christians, Paul the Apostle tells us to defer to the choice of others.
Put Down Your Nachos
02/12/2018Christians have been fighting about all sorts of topics ever since the first century when they argued about food. But Paul the Apostle says there is only one point to stick firm on and the rest are debatable. Find out what.
"Cast Off, Put On"
25/11/2018Paul tells the Romans to get rid of their habits and desires of the world and instead "put on Jesus". What does that really mean?
Love's Unpayable Debt
18/11/2018The Bible generally regards debt as bad. It's not good to go owing people. But God's love - which is free and complete - can never be repaid. What does that mean for us?
Good Government?
11/11/2018Question: What should followers of Jesus do when it comes to living under the control of the government? Answer: Christians should submit to governing authorities. Find out what that means.
Not in Kind, but in Kindness
06/11/2018Paul says we should respond to enemies with kindness and let God handle the justice. But you have to trust God first to do that.
Love for Reals (Cont.)
28/10/2018Paul's description of love continues in Romans 12. It includes humility, unity and blessing your enemies. How does that work?
Gifts for Good
14/10/2018God blesses those who love him with gifts, says the Apostle Paul. What are those gifts and how are we supposed to use them?
It's Morphin' TIme
10/10/2018The Apostle Paul says our faith in Jesus can help us transform with the "renewing of our minds." What does that mean? And how do you do it? Listen to find out.
What's Going On?!
30/09/2018Paul the apostle says no matter how bad or confusing life gets, God makes us a promise to finish what he starts. So what are we supposed to do in the meantime during the pain, suffering, mystery and struggle? Listen to find out.
"My Thoughts are not Your Thoughts..."
25/09/2018We can't know the mind of God. But we know that his plan through Jesus was the cross - an act of savagery and kindness. Find out more.
The Upside of Envy
16/09/2018The apostle Paul believed that when the power of Jesus took root in Gentile communities, Isreal would see and be jealous. The same is true today. Find out how.
The Unrejected
11/09/2018In a world full of disappointment and rejection, God loving accepts us - even when He doesn't have to. Find out why.
Salvation and Tsunamis
06/09/2018Bad things happen when important messages don't get through. People die in tsunamis. People miss out on the salvation of Jesus. Find out more.
A Proper Zeal
28/08/2018The world frowns about religious zealots these days mostly because some have been responsible for terrible acts in the name of religion such as the 9-11 attacks and bombing of abortion clinics. Paul the apostle talks about misdirected zealots in his time, too, when he wrote the book of Romans. Find out what he says people need to be a proper zealot.