A weekly podcast of Mercy Street Reformed Church. Mercy Street Reformed is a Denver area church plant of the RCUS (Reformed Church in the United States). On this podcast you will learn Reformed teaching from Pastor Chris Moulton. Initially the podcast will make its way through the Heidelberg Catechism - a faithful summary of the Bible (God's Word).
M Street Episode 12
16/11/2018 Durata: 13minWhere do we go to know who the Savior of sinful mankind is? We go to the Word of God. In this episode Pastor Chris Moulton teaches on that subject as it relates to the question and answer of Q&A 19 from the Heidelberg Catechism.
M Street Episode 11
10/11/2018 Durata: 15minIn this episode Pastor Chris Moulton teaches on the subject of why mankind's mediator and redeemer must be true God.
M Street Episode 10
02/11/2018 Durata: 14minIn this week's episode Pastor Chris Moulton continues to teach on the subject of the qualifications necessary to atone for the sin's of God's elect.
M Street Episode 9
26/10/2018 Durata: 15minIn this week's episode Pastor Chris Moulton teaches about the necessary qualifications that the only true Redeemer and Mediator of sinful mankind would have to possess.
M Street Episode 8
19/10/2018 Durata: 14minAfter considering the fact that we cannot satisfy God's justice on our own, in this episode Pastor Chris Moulton looks at the fact that neither can a mere creature satisfy God's justice on our behalf but, there is One who can!
M Street Episode 7
11/10/2018 Durata: 14minIn this episode we begin to see that glimmer of hope that is to be found in "Another One" that God accepts as the Redeemer and Savior of those who trust in Him.
M Street Episode 6
03/10/2018 Durata: 13minGod is just, but isn't He also gracious, and merciful, and loving? Yes, He is but, His grace and mercy will never be dispensed at the expense of His justice.
M Street Episode 5
26/09/2018 Durata: 14minIn this episode Pastor Chris Moulton tells the story of a child who received (from its parents) THE WORST GIFT EVER!
M Street Episode 4
20/09/2018 Durata: 10minIn this week's episode Pastor Chris Moulton covers the the topics of what it means that we are prone by nature to hate God and our neighbor, and what it means to keep God's Law perfectly.
M Street Episode 3
14/09/2018 Durata: 12minIn this episode Pastor Chris Moulton discusses how we can (and can't) know the reality of our sin and misery - that is, from the Law of God.
M Street Episode 2
04/09/2018 Durata: 09minIn this episode Pastor Chris Moulton begins to tackle the subject of the greatness of our sin and misery.
M Street Episode 1
28/08/2018 Durata: 07minIn this episode Pastor Chris Moulton has us consider the question of where we look to find comfort, in this life and the next.