Human City

  • Autore: Vários
  • Narratore: Vários
  • Editore: Podcast
  • Durata: 24:19:08
  • Altre informazioni



The mother who made a community garden, the professor who dedicated his life to parking, the architect who studied the nuances of a public bench - these are the people who make our places, well, human. Through the words of leaders, thinkers, designers and simply doers, we investigate what makes our bursting cities human and how this may liberate our growing urban population.Hosted By Stig Terrebonne


  • Galina Tachieva - Astute Optimist

    18/09/2018 Durata: 21min

    Today our guest is Galina Tachieva, the author of the Sprawl Repair Manual and The SmartCode Sprawl Repair Module. Galina is a planner and urban designer with over 20 years of experience with building communities all over the world, including the US, Russia, and Latin America. She is currently a managing partner at DPZ, leads the national Sprawl Retrofit Initiative for The Congress of New Urbanism (CNU), and is a founding member of the Council for European Urbanism (CEU) On top of all this, she is multilingual speaking Bulgarian, English, and Russian. Topics we cover include, sprawl and how to repair it, happiness in communities, Eastern Europe and urbanism, and finally, why urban design is as important as ever. Please Enjoy! Links: LinkedIn Sprawl Repair Blog Sprawl Repair Manual Selected Books DPZ Feedback? We would absolutely love to talk. Please email, Tweet at HumanCityPod, or message on Instagram Hosted By Stig Terrebonne

  • Matt Lewis - CEO Simple City Design, Passionate Urbanist

    11/09/2018 Durata: 32min

    Matt Lewis is the CEO of Simple City Design, a design firm specializing in all things Urbansim, from Land Development, to street design, to zoning changes (To just name a few!) Matt has extensive experience in city building and has an insanely infectious passion for making our spaces better: He has seen it all. Matt is on the board of directors for Congress of New Urbanism and has led the development of three of the fastest growing cities, including Austin, Texas, San Marcos, Texas and Hutto, Texas. Matt is currently out of Austin, Texas helping cities be the best they can be. Topics we cover include Tactical Urbanism, Scaling cities, ways each of us can get involved, and solutions! As Always, Enjoy Links: LinkedIn SimpleCity Design Ian MacKaye on Skateboarding and Viewing our Cities Tactical Urbansim Feedback? We would absolutely love to talk. Please email, Tweet at HumanCityPod, or message on Instagram Hosted By Stig Terrebonne

  • Anthony Flint - Journalist, Aficionado, Story Teller

    04/09/2018 Durata: 34min

    Anthony Flint is the author of Modern Man: The Life of Le Corbusier, Wrestling with Moses: How Jane Jacobs Took on New York’s Master Builder and Transformed The American City (Which won a Christopher award in 2010!), and This Land: The Battle Over Sprawl and The Future of The American City Anthony has been a journalist for over 30 years and is currently a senior fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, an Urbanism think tank in Cambridge, Massachusetts. On top of all this work, Anthony is a regular contributor to The Atlantic’s CityLab, The Boston Globe, The New Republic and much more. In this episode we talk about the role of story telling in urban design, traveling in a city versus living in one, the biological component of design, and of course, Le Corbusier and Jane Jacobs. As Always, Enjoy! Links: Anthony Flint's Website Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Modern Man: The Life of Le Corbusier, Architect of Tomorrow Wrestling with Moses: How Jane Jacobs Took on New York’s Master Builder and Transforme

  • James Howard Kunstler - Author, Realist, Opinionator

    28/08/2018 Durata: 36min

    Our guest is James Howard Kunstler Described as a cheerful pessimist, he is the Author of The Geography of Nowhere, Home from nowhere, Too Much Magic, blog Cluster Fuck Nation and podcast, KunstlerCast. Check out his blog, many books, podcast and other goodies here: James has diverse and widespread knowledge on cities, from the history of Urban America to how our cities act as a complete economy. He has some great things to say, and provides a different, sometimes provocative, lens of our communities. We talk about the most optimal way for rebuilding, how to design for authenticity, the future of cities and some sobering opinions and possible directions. Enjoy! Feedback? We would absolutely love to talk. Please email, Tweet at HumanCityPod, or message on Instagram Hosted By Stig Terrebonne

  • Howard Blackson - Lifelong Urban Philosopher

    24/08/2018 Durata: 41min

    Howard Is the Urban Design and Planning Studio Director at AVRP Skyport Studios Has design experience in Asia, Hawaii, Southern California, and even the border region as well as a whole life filled of fixing cities. You can find him at, where he has all sorts of goodies on the kind of multidimensional look at our spaces. Howard is currently a lecturer at NewSchool of Architecture & Design and has taught at many many other schools. Topics: Design for an aging population San Diego transformation in culture and design Taking on traffic Public Transit What people can learn from other cultures and communities Family centered design Social justice through urban design Complete Streets Changing the status quo Technologies place in the modern city Howard Blackson Twitter LinkedIn AVRP Skyport Feedback? We would absolutely love to talk. Please email, Tweet at HumanCityPod, or message on Instagram Hosted By Stig Terrebonne

  • Why Human City?

    23/08/2018 Durata: 04min

    Why Human City? This a primer on the power of design and the potential each of us play in making the space you call home. If you would like to add anything or collaborate please reach out! Feedback? We would absolutely love to talk. Please email, Tweet at HumanCityPod, or message on Instagram

  • Joe Minicozzi - Urban Design Extraordinare

    22/08/2018 Durata: 37min

    Joseph Minicozzi is the principal of Urban3 with over 20 years experience of designing cities. Joe has shown how his own town, Asheville, North Carolina , can teach us all a lesson on how our cities can function and grow to meet each of our needs. Joe talks on everything from human centered cities, to the economy, to even how city design can directly affect your health. Joe is a great story teller and has important things to share. Enjoy! Show Notes: Urban3 Strong towns with Chuck Marohn Land value taxation - Henry George Elizabeth Maggie Phillips - Monopoly Lincoln Land Institute Books: Dr. Rich Johnson - Lawrence frank Lewis Mumford - Highways out of cities “don’t ever let it be said on my tombstone that I was right” Predictably Irrational - Daniel Ariely Misbehaving - Richard Thaler Geography of Nowhere - Jim Kunstler Death and Life of the Great American City Jane Jacobs Walkable Cities - Jeff Speck Works - Leon Krier Feedback? We would absolutely love to talk. Please email,

  • Trailer

    14/08/2018 Durata: 01min

    What is Human City? Listen to find out. Feedback? We would absolutely love to talk, and fight for cities! Please email, Tweet at [HumanCityPod][6], or message on [Instagram][7] Hosted By Stig Terrebonne [6]: [7]:

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