Soul Stream

  • Autore: Vários
  • Narratore: Vários
  • Editore: Podcast
  • Durata: 19:54:57
  • Altre informazioni



Recordings from the First Congregational United Church of Christ of Gaylord, MI,


  • Being the Face of God to Others

    22/07/2018 Durata: 30min

    We march on through the 12 Steps, focusing on Steps 8 & 9. These are the steps of making amends and seeking forgiveness, and the parallels between these particular steps and the teaching of Jesus are undeniable. We'll examine the tough work of forgiveness - on both sides of the equation. This will be illustrated through the epic story of Jacob and Esau from Genesis 32 and 33, where the forgiveness process is likened to a wrestling match and a rebirth.

  • Addiciton: Interview of Harbor Hall

    15/07/2018 Durata: 43min

    Instead of a sermon, Toby will be interviewing two people from Harbor Hall, the in-patient rehabilitation and treatment center for addicts in Northern Michigan. Dan Thompson is the Director of Spiritual Care and Supervisor of Resident Life at Harbor Hall. He is a certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor who has worked directly with addicts for nearly a decade and is a close friend of Toby's. Dan will be bringing with him Kurtice, a young man from Gaylord who recently completed Harbor Hall's treatment program for alcohol addiction. This conversation will be sure to inform, inspire, and ignite us, as we seek to better love those in our corner of the world who are fighting the good fight to live clean and sober lives.

  • Steps One & Two: Admitting Our Powerless and Seeking Divine Help

    01/07/2018 Durata: 24min

    we will take a careful look at one of the greatest spiritual advancements of the last two hundred years: the Twelve Steps. While many of us associate this roadmap to recovery with alcohol and drug users, I have found tremendous benefit and direction for my life through these very same steps. I know that you will too. We'll start with the first two steps, which are particularly pertinent for followers of Jesus living in 2018 America.

  • The Story of Deborah

    27/06/2018 Durata: 21min

    A look at Deborah as one of the women of the Bible and the impact she had.

  • Jesus's Right Hand Man Was a Woman

    27/06/2018 Durata: 22min

    This Sunday our celebration culminates with a message you won't want to miss. Toby will focus on Mary Magdalene, perhaps the most misunderstood and misrepresented woman in all of scripture. As we rediscover the real Mary of Mandala, we will also discover the truth about ourselves, our culture, and our God.

  • What A Difference One Friend Can Make

    14/06/2018 Durata: 21min

    The loyalty of Ruth is the basis for this sermon, as Toby has the congregation reflect on times when the loyalty of a friend made a difference.

  • For Such a Time of This

    06/06/2018 Durata: 24min

    Taking the story of Esther, Toby posed the questions that all of us are put in a position in which we are called to do soething for others.

  • Celebrating Mary of Bethany and Her Choice of the One True Thing

    24/05/2018 Durata: 26min

    The sermon is about the time when Jesus visited in the home of Mary and Martha. When Martha complains to Jesus that Mary is not helping her, the reply offers all of us a way of life that lets us take care of ourselves.

  • Sermon 5/6 - The Transforming Power of Human Kindness

    14/05/2018 Durata: 30min

    Guest speaker Luka Knight told of her former life in the world of Human Trafficking. Luka told of her life since infancy until adulthood as a victim of human trafficking, and the few acts of human kindness that transformed her life.

  • Sermon - 4/29 - You Belong

    03/05/2018 Durata: 23min

    The church celebrated what they had learned and accomplished in the last two months as the church focused on Kids at Risk.

  • Sermon 4-22- Panel on Kids at Risk

    26/04/2018 Durata: 43min

    Retired judge, Pat Morse; Wellspring Administrator, Darla Edwards; and teacher and parent Anne Buyze-Smith joined Toby to discuss some of the issues of kids at risk in the local area.

  • Sermon - 4-8 - When John Barleycorn Moves In

    26/04/2018 Durata: 26min

    This Sunday we'll continue our journey toward a better understanding of at-risk children in our community and how we might minister more effectively to their particular needs. Toby will offer his first-hand account of growing up in an alcoholic family as a way of giving us rare insight into a population of at-risk kids we often miss.

  • Sermon - 3/25 - Palm Sunday or Humility Sunday

    25/04/2018 Durata: 27min

    Toby will challenge us by calling into question whether our ancestors really knew what they were doing when they lined the streets of Jerusalem, hailing Jesus as the king. And, if our spiritual ancestors were mistaken in their understanding of what Jesus had come to do, why do we keep celebrating this "Palm Sunday" the same way they did? Come and see!

  • Sermon - 3/18 - Innocence Stolen

    25/04/2018 Durata: 18min

    Guest speaker, Steve Ferguson, discusses his being brought up as a Kid at Risk. Steve tells what it was like to be forced into a gang situation during his teenage years.

  • Walking in Mindful Gratitude

    25/04/2018 Durata: 43min

    Toby has the participants observe nature as a means of meditation and prayer.

  • May The Force Be With You

    21/04/2018 Durata: 35min

    This message may change the way you look at Easter forever.

  • Loving Kindness & Crawling into the Divine Lap

    06/04/2018 Durata: 49min

    Toby continues this series with suggestions and practices that can help us be in the presence of God without words.

  • Tonglen

    03/04/2018 Durata: 51min

    The ancient practice of Tonglen can be used to further our prayer life. Please note that there are parts of the podcast in which not words are being used as Toby gives us the opportunity to use this method.

  • Breathing Our Way to God

    02/04/2018 Durata: 54min

    This was actually the third in the Lenten Series, but unfortunately the first episode that was recorded. A continuation of learning out to breathe to be used in an attitude of prayer.

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