The home of Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee, The Right Manchild Podcast, and 17th Sweets. Enjoy and stuff....
Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #37: You? Taken? How?
10/05/2018 Durata: 01h07minHow Exactly Are You Taken? DeeDee talks about dating and their current partner, and Keisha wonders how anyone even dates their ass. We also have some hot takes on gender pronouns, transgender relationships, and other stuff and things. Shout out to Keisha's dad for chiming in on a couple things! Enjoy the show! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #36: Technology Trolls
10/05/2018 Durata: 36min#36: Technology Is A Troll... Hey party people! We're back with another episode! DeeDee is petty, Keisha is correcting them, nothing's changed. Enjoy! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #35: Cue Welcome Back
10/05/2018 Durata: 39minCue That Famous John Sebastian Song... We back, y'all! Missed us? It's DeeDee's fault we were away, and they'll explain that. Also, technical difficulties welcome us back personally towards the end. enjoy the episode! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #34: That Ain't Cold!
10/05/2018 Durata: 54minDeeDee complains, and Keisha sets them straight.....just like she did last week.....and has done for the first 33 episodes.....enjoy! Apologies to your ears, cause that jingle you hear is my fucking headphone mic bumping into my cheek and shit..... Intro / Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #33: Get A Clue
10/05/2018 Durata: 01h16minIndecisive Knucklefucks Get A Clue... We talk about dating, or our lack thereof, while shitting on sexual predators and other knucklefucks working our last nerve this week. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #32: People Are Weird
10/05/2018 Durata: 01h21minWhat Good Are You Anyway, People? From the Trump Administration and the cop that got away with killing #PatrickHarmon, to Cam Newton and the rest of humanity who ain't shit....we try to answer that question posed in this episode's title... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #31: Hey! No Title!
10/05/2018 Durata: 01h04minThe Episode Without A Title... I don't have a title for this episode, but I can tell you that we touch on everything from DeeDee's commitment issues, Trump calling out black people, a certain celebrity pregnancy (if you wanna call her ass that), and some other shit.... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #30: Woot There It Is!
10/05/2018 Durata: 49minWoot Woot There It Is! Apparently DeeDee is a version of a tv character from a certain "hive" they can't stand....and no it's not Beyoncé....just listen to our short show....Sort of short.... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #29: Don't Go Cold Chicken
10/05/2018 Durata: 01h16minDon't Go Cold Chicken... We're back after yet another unplanned break, cause DeeDee had to go out of town, and their ass forgot to text to see about recording. We shoot the shit like we always do in every episode. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #28: Swift Gelatinous Flavor-Aid
10/05/2018 Durata: 01h16minTaylor Swift is back serving up her bland brand of gentrified music and felt the need to appropriate damn there all of Beyonce's Lemonade film. We talk about other things, too. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #27: We're Back!
10/05/2018 Durata: 01h11minBack Like Overused Drug References..... Keisha's back from her bday vacay, I'm back on my bullshit, and we're back from hiatus. You miss us? Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #26: Ugly Rap Gods
10/05/2018 Durata: 01h05minUgly Reality Rap Gods... This episode, like DeeDee, is super random with topics ranging from garbage ass rappers, to reality tv, to The Dark Tower, fake ass friends, etc. As always, we hope you enjoy what you hear and all that good stuff and we'll see you the weekend of August 18th....cause someone's going on vacation.....yay them. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
The Right Manchild Podcast #100: A 100 Episodes & Running!
10/05/2018 Durata: 45minThe one were I celebrate putting out my hundredth episode, go on a long rant about my love of music, and shit on pathetic ass, open bob fucks.....Thanks for riding with me so's to the next hundred! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
The Right Manchild Podcast #99: 99 Episodes & A Terrible Pun
10/05/2018 Durata: 17minI Got 99 Episodes & A Terrible Pun... The one where HIT ME!!!!!! Sorry....the one where I rant about shitty customer service....again.... suspect t-shirt designs, other shit, and other things..... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
The Right Manchild Podcast #98: Late Rhymes With Eight
10/05/2018 Durata: 28minThe one where I couldn't think of a better title, and also the one where I rant about wait times, tech shit, me being awkward, and I think I do a review on Kingsman: The Golden Circle.... actually I don't because the film was good awful and I don't want to think about it......ok I'm bullshitting.... it's at the very end. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
The Right Manchild Podcast #97: Cram To Understand Audacity
10/05/2018 Durata: 26minI Cram To Understand Audacity... The one where I shit on myself for being a fuckboy, trash Apple and the Opinion podcast app, talk shit to my cat, and some other stuff and things..... Feel This Unplayed Track: Open Mike Eagle's "TLDR (Smithing)" (Brick Body Kids Still Daydream) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
The Right Manchild Podcast #96: No Tricks For Ninety Six
10/05/2018 Durata: 16minThe one where I start off sad, and kinda finish off strong. You guys are my therapists.....sorry about that. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
The Right Manchild Podcast #95: For The Nine Live
10/05/2018 Durata: 29minThe one where I ramble on about side hustles, the state of the world...again, and some other shit... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
The Right Manchild Podcast #94: Rough Rugged & Raw For 94
10/05/2018 Durata: 39minThe one were I have a whole segment about nothing, one about the season 2 ender of Insecure, one about the new iPhone announcement, and some more about some things and stuff. Feel This Unplayed Track: Birocratic's "Misty" (Leftovers) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:
The Right Manchild Podcast #93: Ninety Third 'Til Infinity
10/05/2018 Durata: 25minThe one where I shit on Trump for shitting on Dreamers, how I'm not a fan of birthday parties or certain celebrations, and some first word problems....such as my Note8 delivery being delayed....ugh! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast: