Two People, Two Podcasts

  • Autore: Vários
  • Narratore: Vários
  • Editore: Podcast
  • Durata: 205:59:32
  • Altre informazioni



The home of Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee, The Right Manchild Podcast, and 17th Sweets. Enjoy and stuff....


  • Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #7: We Can't Even!

    10/05/2018 Durata: 01h22min

    When The Going Gets Tough....The Tough "Can't Even"! If you haven't seen Power Rangers or the latest episode of Scandal, then I don't know what to tell you cause I don't time stamp. There are plenty of things we discuss before and after though. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #6: Hell Or Cheetos

    10/05/2018 Durata: 01h59min

    Come Hell Or Hot Cheetos! We have a guest! Gabby & KT of Talk It Out / TIOBL4CK stop by to chat with us about mental health, sex stuff, and snacks....even if their snacks of choice are trash. Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #5: You're Way Off!

    10/05/2018 Durata: 01h13min

    You're Way, Way Off! Derek hates DLC's, and Talib Kweli, and other things while Keisha tries to understand why Arizona doesn't recognize daylight savings time.... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and The link to help my friend's brother with his medical costs.... --- Support this podcast:

  • Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #4: These Aren't Yours

    10/05/2018 Durata: 01h12min

    These Insult Don't Concern You, White Allies... Personal Space, Rich Areas, Delusional Parents, and other goodies are discussed in this episode where only one of us is sober..... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #3: Good Decompressing

    10/05/2018 Durata: 01h15min

    Decompressing Is Always Good... A dating rant. A relationship rant. A bragging about your damn relationship on social media rant. A "Hollywood Is Unimaginative" rant. All the rants! Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #2: Hollywood Sucks!

    10/05/2018 Durata: 01h16min

    A Lot of The Stuff We Watched Kinda Sucked... Race, race depicted in television and film, what DeeDee thinks is trash (hint.....everything), the documentary "I Am Not Your Negro", and other lovely things.... Intro / Outro Music: Homeboy Sandman's "1,2,3" (Hallways) --- Support this podcast:

  • Casually Sarcastic w/ Keisha & DeeDee #1: Hey There!

    10/05/2018 Durata: 39min

    Hey There! We Despise Valentine's Day! This is our first episode! In it you'll hear our introductions, thoughts on the grammys, Beyonce, knuckleheads who slander black women, and other things. Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #50: Hooyaa Halfway To 100!!!!

    10/05/2018 Durata: 28min

    The one where I thank y'all for rocking with me for the past fifty episodes, pay my respects to Charlie Murphy, hype myself up for a possible Timberland / Pharrell beat battle, give a review on The Fate of The Furious, and other stuff and things.... Feel This Track: Homeboy Sandman's "Underground Dreams" (Veins) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #49: Self Care Is Key

    10/05/2018 Durata: 33min

    The one about MF Doom's constant trolling, United Airlines (again), and Facebook/ Instagram biting Snapchat (again)... Feel This Track: Mick Jenkins & Kaytranada's "Your Love" (Wave(s)) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #48: The Autobiographical Host

    10/05/2018 Durata: 27min

    I'm An Autobiographical Podcaster At Best....If That Makes Sense... The one about the Pulitzer Prize (along with life) being full of Black Girl Magic & Black Boy Joy, my excitement for Thor: Ragnarok, giving United Airlines, and other stuff and things... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #47: Curbed For Polite Reasons

    10/05/2018 Durata: 23min

    The one about transphobia at pride parades, dating updates, and other things.... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #46: Real Blerds Do Real Things

    10/05/2018 Durata: 02h06min

    The one with Shouts N' Stories, white folks rebuking white supremacy, my thoughts on the Galaxy S8 / S8+, a rant centering on the necessary, well deserved, and earned slander Mike Pence has been receiving from all sides, dating life updates, and an interview with Q of The Critical Dump / Choppin' It Up w/ Q! Feel This Track: The Futureheads' "Le Garage" (The Futureheads) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right manchild Podcast #45: Give It Up For Melanin Y'all

    10/05/2018 Durata: 01h28min

    The one about racists talking mess to Colin Kaepernick, movie ruining movie trailers, teams leaving their respective cities, and a conversation I had with special guest John Salvatore of The John Effect Podcast..... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #44: Sutter Home Is Trash

    10/05/2018 Durata: 02h11s

    The one where I talk mess with Baeby Huey of Aquemini Jamz & The MAN Podcast and my lovely bestie / Casually Sarcastic cohost Keisha about music, alcohol, power rangers, and lord knows what else... Feel This Track: Cavanaugh (Open Mike Eagle & Serengeti)’s “Zorak” (Time & Materials) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #43: Blerds With Pricey Hobbies

    10/05/2018 Durata: 43min

    Just A Friendly Giant Blerd With Expensive Hobbies... The one about Iron Fist, Tammy Lorenzo or whatever her freaking name is, what I think are expensive hobbies, and other stuff... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #42: What?

    10/05/2018 Durata: 41min

    What Does The Have To Do With What? The one where I talk about crappy coffeehouse refill policies, my extreme pettiness, why I'll probably avoid DM diving, give you insight into why I came back to a certain social media website, and some other stuff…. Feel This Track: Thundercat’s “Captain Stupido” (Drunk) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #41: If Stress Eating Were Sport

    10/05/2018 Durata: 38min

    If Stress Eating Were A Competitive Sport... The one where I fill in you in my mind and life since the last episode, give you my thoughts on underwhelming rap battles, and rant about my disdain for Walmart employees and fast food patrons.... Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #40: Don't Ruin The Word "Pause"

    10/05/2018 Durata: 30min

    Don't You Dare Ruin The Word "Pause", Homophobes The one about good rap battles, the double standards that plague black men in terms of sexuality, fragile masculinity ruining good words, and other things that anger me to no end...thanks, straight people! Feel This Track: The Bird & The Bee's "Again & Again" (The Bird & The Bee) and Rapsody's verse on "Be Inspired" (Jamla Is The Squad) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #39: Go Gobble A Plantain!

    10/05/2018 Durata: 02h18min

    Go Gobble A Spoiled, Organic Plantain From Whole Foods! The one where I talk about the Oscars & "Get Out" with Keisha, rant about food, and other things I can't remember at the moment since this was recorded over the last few days..... Feel This Track: Damien Jurado's "Cloudy Shoes" (Saint Bartlett) Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

  • The Right Manchild Podcast #38: Something's In The Water

    10/05/2018 Durata: 47min

    Must Be Something In The Water... The one where I talk about my life since the last episode, racist disc jockeys, rejection, and pay my respects to both The Podcast Brothers & Queens whose podcasts are no more (and that sucks!) Feel This Track: Sabata's "Street Masons" Intro / Outro Music: Nahncenz ( and --- Support this podcast:

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