CrossWay Church
What On Earth Are We Here For? - Audio
11/09/2011 Durata: 24minToday Pastor Scott Winter spoke on how we can make a difference with other people and what our purpose here on earth is.
Is This All There Is? - Audio
14/08/2011 Durata: 39minPastor Joni continues the series “Post cards from the journey” with the sermon “Is this all there is?”. In this sermon pastor Joni gives her testimony and talks about how life is so much better with Christ on your life.
I am the True Vine - Audio
19/06/2011 Durata: 46minToday Pastor Scott spoke about how God is the Master Gardener of our lives.
I am the way, truth & life - Audio
12/06/2011 Durata: 40minToday Pastor Joni Keller continued the series “Jesus who?” with a sermon titled “I AM the Way, truth & life”. In this sermon she talked about how the only way to live is through Jesus Christ.
A Detailed Jouney of Love - Audio
17/04/2011 Durata: 41minToday Dr. Vellody spoke on the detailed love of God...bottom line: Jesus is God
Taking the Fire from the Alter - Audio
13/02/2011 Durata: 42minPastor Scott speaks about not only leaving your needs at the alter, but to also take God's Fire away from the alter, to be available for those who you come in contact with.
Adventures in Missing the Point - Audio
05/12/2010 Durata: 40minIn Pastors Scott's message today, he spoke about everyone who is a Christian, has a spiritual calling.
Untapped Resources - Audio
21/11/2010 Durata: 01h46minVisiting Pastor Cullen Allen of MCM Ministries talks about the untapped resources.
The Team - Audio
10/10/2010 Durata: 45minPastor Scott Winter continues the Game On Series by describing that the Church functions best as a team.
Mission Connection - Audio
19/09/2010 Durata: 01h33minPastor Pat conveys his passion for the need for each of us to be concerned, not only for the world missions, but also for the mission field in our own back yards.
Great Faith - Audio
15/08/2010 Durata: 44minGuest speaker Daniel Elvelyck: Pastor Daniel is from Sweden and give a powerful message on how to have Great Faith. He gives two specific examples from scripture.
Applied - Audio
11/07/2010 Durata: 34minPastor Scott continues the series on Living Out Christ. He covers, Call to Action, Call to Honesty, Call to Commitment.
Authentically Beyond Part 1 - Audio
14/03/2010 Durata: 36minAs the Good Samaritan, we must "Look up," "Show up," and take action to help each other. Don't just walk around and/or ignore each other.
What's Gotten Inside of You? - Audio
31/01/2010 Durata: 43minWhat is inside of you - peace or turmoil
Cardboard Crosses - Audio
17/01/2010 Durata: 32minHave you reshaped the cross to make it into what you want it to be?
Christmas Paradox: The Inconvenienced Worshippers - Audio
27/12/2009 Durata: 46minWorship even when it is inconvenient
The Ill-preared Father - Audio
20/12/2009 Durata: 40minWhat do you do when things don't go as planned?