The official podcast of Faith church's Moncks Corner campus. Faith is a multi-site church in the Charleston, South Carolina area.We exist to help you know God, grow together, discover your purpose, and make a difference!
Week 2 | To Live Is Christ
22/10/2017 Durata: 36minPastor Andrew dives into the second week of The Art of Joy to discuss what it was like for Paul to live for Christ (Philippians 1) and applies it to the church today. To live is Christ!
Week 1 | Singing In The Rain
15/10/2017 Durata: 26minIn this episode, Pastor Andrew opens a brand new series studying Philippians about having Joy in all circumstances. We hope you enjoy The Art of Joy!
Week 4 | Killing Giants
16/07/2017 Durata: 35minThis week of the series, Pastor Andrew dives into 1 Samuel 17 and talks about how we can slay spiritual giants every day.
Week 3 | A Kingdom Heart
09/07/2017 Durata: 41minIn today's episode, Pastor Andrew takes us through 1 Samuel 16 and how we can develop a kingdom heart!
Week 2 | Losing The Kingdom
02/07/2017 Durata: 35minIn this week's episode, Pastor Andrew takes us through 1 Samuel 13 into the life of Saul, a king of Israel.
Week 1 | Who Will Be King?
25/06/2017 Durata: 35minIn this week's episode, Pastor Andrew takes us through 1 Samuel 8 and how the great King Saul of Israel rose to kingship.