Listen to renowned analyst Frank Curzio talk with leading economists and respected investment professionals. Frank also breaks down the news of the week so all listeners can make money in these markets!
Ep. 256 John Doody: World's Greatest Gold Analyst Goes "All-In"
08/10/2014 Durata: 50minThis week, John Doody, expert gold analyst for almost four decades and editor of the Gold Stock Analyst newsletter, joins S&A Investor Radio to share some of his favorite investing ideas."Should people investing in gold stocks today be worried?"John answers all of Frank's questions about gold and reveals his favorite small-cap gold pick to buy right now.He says he is investing his entire wealth in gold stocks... find out why.You'll also hear him point out that right now is a near once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy names in this volatile sector... and you'll get all the details.Then, Frank answers some of his listeners’ most popular questions, including concerns about earnings season.And in his educational segment Frank reveals the next GREAT trend that he is researching...It's in the very early stages but Frank is predicting that investors could make HUGE returns buying into this trend.HINT: It's an industry within technology.
Ep. 255 Matt Badiali: What I'm Buying During the Commodity Collapse
01/10/2014 Durata: 01h09minThis week, resource expert and editor of the S&A Resource Report, Matt Badiali, joins S&A Investor Radio to share his favorite stocks in the resource sector.He also breaks down key markets including gold, oil, silver, and uranium – and tells us which sectors investors should buy and avoid.Plus, don't miss out on Frank's educational segment... he reveals his favorite trade for 2014.HINT: It's in one of the most HATED sectors.
Ep. 254 Larsen Kusick: Investing in the Biggest Trends in the World
24/09/2014 Durata: 01h01minWelcome back!This week on S&A Investor Radio, Larsen Kusick, lead analyst for Phase I Investor and Small Stock Specialist, joins the show to break down the markets.There is a major trend happening right now that is great news for the U.S. and that is without a doubt going to change the world.This industry is projected to grow by the billions according to some estimates, and for early investors there's a good chance it could affect several major companies around the world.Find out what this billion-dollar trend is and what industries Frank and Larsen highlight as being affected the most.The best ways for investors to make money on this trend is revealed...Plus, don't miss out on Frank's educational segment where he talks about topics like legal marijuana sales...Enjoy!
Ep. 253 The Next Disruptive Tech Trends
17/09/2014 Durata: 57minLou Basenese, Founder and Chief Analyst at Disruptive Tech Research, talks about two new tech trends that are about to change the world. He also talks about what to expect from Alibaba's IPO, the huge surge in GoPro, and his favorite pick on Apple's new product launch. Then, Debra Borchardt, market analyst at S&A, talks about her recent trip to the Disrupt San Francisco TechCrunch conference. This is where some of the biggest names in technology including Peter Thiel (billionaire and PayPal founder), Mark Cuban (billionaire entrepreneur), and Marissa Mayer (CEO of Yahoo!) talk about their favorite new tech ideas.
Ep. 252 James Altucher: All In
10/09/2014 Durata: 01h03minWelcome back!James Altucher, hedge-fund manager and host of the new The James Altucher Show and Ask Altucher, joins S&A Investor Radio, to discuss his thoughts on college.It's a view on a topic that you don't hear very often...Find out why James says young adults would be much better off not going to college.Do the advantages really outweigh the disadvantages? Is the debt going to be worth the degree?His reasoning will certainly make you think twice about the real worth of a college degree...Then, James discusses some of his recent interviews with some of the biggest names that the podcast industry has ever seen. Listeners get to hear all about his conversations with rap legends Ice-T, Coolio, and Biz Markie and learn exclusive details that most people never knew.He also breaks down the newest technology trends that could provide big returns for investors and gives you a couple of investment ideas to think about.It's a fantastic interview that you won't want to miss.Enjoy!
Ep. 251 Why the Bull Market in Bonds Will Continue
03/09/2014 Durata: 52minTwo of the most influential and well known investment analysts, Pam and Mary Anne Aden, join S&A Investor Radio.They are editors of the 31-year old newsletter The Aden Forecast, one of the most successful investment publications in the world.Today they share with listeners how they have made huge returns investing in the bond market over the past four years and explain why they are still bullish on bonds...Do they believe this bear market is coming to an end?Will interest rates move higher?Listen as Pam and Mary Anne answer these questions as well as break down the gold markets.And you won't want to miss this...Frank reveals his favorite dividend stock in his educational segment.Enjoy!
Ep. 250 Brien Lundin: Expert Gold Analyst Is Buying These Three Tiny Gold Stocks
27/08/2014 Durata: 48minWelcome back!This week Brien Lundin, editor of Gold Newsletter and resource analyst for more than 30 years, joins S&A Investor Radio to break down the markets.Find out why he says investors should be buying select junior mining stocks right now.And... you won't want to miss this!Not only does Brien share his methodology for picking gold stocks, but he also reveals his three favorite micro-cap ideas...
Ep. 249 Frank Holmes: Rare Interview with One of Mining's Largest Fund Managers
20/08/2014 Durata: 49minThis week, Frank Holmes, CEO and CIO of U.S Global Investors, Inc., joins S&A Investor Radio to share not only his favorite ideas but his favorite investment strategies as well... He discusses his in-depth strategies for picking stocks and allocating over $1 billion in assets to his numerous funds.You'll hear why he travels around the world to understand the political situation in each country and visits management teams and properties of the companies he recommends. Then, you won't want to miss this... he shares some of his favorite investment ideas with us.And get ready for an educational segment on the energy sector... Frank goes over a recent forecast he saw for oil production in the U.S.Find out why he says that this prediction could not be more wrong...
Ep. 248 Chris Mayer: A U.S. Debt Crisis Will Never Happen
13/08/2014 Durata: 01h02minThis week, Chris Mayer, editor and founder of Capital & Crisis, joins S&A Investor Radio to break down the markets and shares his favorite places to invest in right now.He highlights how investors have been blinded by fear – and have missed out on huge gains in stocks.You'll also hear him share some of his favorite ideas – including two small companies I'm sure most investors have never heard of.And... will the U.S government never have a debt crisis like Greece? Find out why Chris says there is zero chance the U.S. will have a fiscal crisis like Greece or Argentina.Plus, marijuana stocks are all over the media, but which ones should you avoid at all costs? Here you will get all the details.
Ep. 247 Andrew Horowitz Says: Take Some Money off the Table
07/08/2014 Durata: 48minThis week, Andrew Horowitz, Host of The Disciplined Investor, joins S&A Investor Radio to comment on the market correction that everyone is predicting.Is it possible to predict where the markets are headed? Find out what Andrew has to say about the many experts who continue to make these market forecasts.You'll hear him explain to our listeners why investors should be cautious over the next few months and what risks are involved with investing in China and Europe.And why are biotechs and gold good investments... you'll get all the details here.Plus, don't miss out on this... Andrew shares a few stocks that he is buying right now!Enjoy!
Ep. 246 Kim Iskyan: How to Make Money Off the Most Hostile Nations in the World
30/07/2014 Durata: 01h02minThis week, Kim Iskyan, editor of S&A Global Contrarian, joins S&A Investor Radio to share some of his favorite ideas.Kim finds contrarian plays in some of the most hated nations of the world. His most recent trips include Russia, Argentina, and Thailand... and you won't want to miss his analysis.And... is it time to short a recent pick? Frank gives you all the details that you need to know.You'll also hear what his current favorite sectors are and learn how to play Steel Dynamics after the huge run up it just had.Plus, there is a new opportunity in the marijuana business and Frank has a special guest to break it down. Enjoy!
Ep. 245 Marin Katusa: Why Uranium Prices Will Go Much Higher
23/07/2014 Durata: 01h06minThis week, resource expert and fund manager Marin Katusa joins S&A Investor Radio and explains why Russia holds the key to much higher uranium prices.During the interview, he shares his two favorite uranium plays and talks about the upcoming PDAC Convention.You'll hear him talk about several important rules he follows for buying any resource company. Plus he reveals several junior mining stocks that he is buying right now.We're sure most listeners have never heard of these companies before. However, Marin says most resource investors will be talking about these names inside of 18 months.If you want to be a successful spectator in the resource sector, then you won't want to miss what he has to say.Something that Marin is really excited about is what he calls the "European Energy Renaissance"... and you can get all the details here.This is your chance to get insight from one of the most connected experts in the mining industry.Plus... Are you making a huge investing mistake?Find out wich select stocks Frank
Ep. 244 Steve Sjuggerud: Huge Gains Still To Come
16/07/2014 Durata: 52minThis week, Steve Sjuggerud, one of Frank's mentors, close friend, and editor of True Wealth, joins S&A Investor Radio.Steve tells Frank that the biggest gains are often earned in the last few innings of a bull run... And we're in the seventh inning right now.Back in 2010, Steve made one of his biggest and most important predictions to date, which he calls the "Bernanke Asset Bubble."Today, Frank and Steve talk about another similar trend that is in the very beginning stage.If you missed the "Bernanke" opportunity... here is your second chance to get in early...It's a no-brainer... don't miss out!And, there are many styles of investing... Find out why Steve has had such success with his and how he is able to apply his method to every asset class.Plus, Frank reveals his favorite contrarian sector to buy right now.HINT: It's a country that everyone hates right now.
Ep. 243 Dan Ferris: Crash Course on Value Investing
09/07/2014 Durata: 31minThis week, Dan Ferris, editor of Extreme Value, joins S&A Investor Radio to share his favorite ideas.He breaks down his methodology for picking deep value stocks and explains why a particular pick was recently sold in his model portfolio... Here you find out every detail that Dan looks for when picking stocks.And if you listen to any of Porter's shows, you know how much he encourages investors to use trailing stops… but find out why Dan says he NEVER uses them.Plus, you won't want to miss this... Dan shares his two favorite stocks to buy right now.Enjoy!
Ep. 242 Bill Poulos: How To Trade Stocks Like A 40-Year Veteran
02/07/2014 Durata: 54minThis week, Bill Poulos, director of operations at Profits Run and 40-year veteran of trading joins S&A Investor Radio to share some of his favorite investment ideas.Click here to listen.Bill has been through many boom and bust markets and today he shares with our listeners the mistakes that he has made, and what he learned.He reveals many tips and secrets that he has discovered over the years and breaks down his "Real Wealth Income" strategy.Plus, you won't want to miss his four keys to winning more and losing less when trading.If you are interested in trading currencies, then get ready to take some notes because Bill has plenty of advice to dish out.Then, Frank shares his favorite large-cap company to own today.In his educational segment, he shares one of his favorite sectors... and it's one that he rarely recommends.
Ep. 241 Debra Borchardt: It's the End of the World as We Know It
25/06/2014 Durata: 52minThis week Debra Borchardt, market analyst for TheStreet, joins S&A Investor Radio to break down the markets.Frank starts the show by poking fun at the terrible market calls made by analysts and stock gurus over the past five years.You'll hear him go through several predictions that could not have been more wrong.Market analyst Debra Borchardt joins in to talk about marijuana, retail spending, homebuilders and the reasons why she is joining Frank's research team at S&A.Then Frank goes through some of the major headlines including: Janet Yellen, the U.S housing market, the Fed, and fracking...And, hopefully you are paying attention because his favorite companies in the oil industry are revealed. Grab a pen because he gives you their ticker symbols.
Ep. 240 Jeff Clark: Superstar Trader Is Bullish on China
18/06/2014 Durata: 49minThis week, S&A's very own superstar trader, Jeff Clark, editor of The S&A Short Report, joins S&A Investor Radio to talk about his last few winning trades on China.Find out which two depressed sectors he is now bullish on and why he believes they could result in triple-digit short term gains. Jeff also explains why fighting momentum is a dangerous game and how to protect yourself from big losses when trades don't go your way.Then, Frank goes through some listener questions including what to look for in high yield investments...He also shares what sector he is investing in today, as well as what he thinks you should avoid.HINT: It's illegal in several states.And is it safe to say that the markets will continue to do well if we have low interest rates?You won't want to miss what Jeff has to say...
Ep. 239 Jeff Phillips: Expert Resource Investor Does Rare Interview
11/06/2014 Durata: 51minThis week, first-time guest Jeff Phillips, President of Global Market Development and resource expert, joins S&A Investor Radio to talk about junior-mining stocks.He has more 1,000% stock winners than anyone Frank knows, and today Jeff will show us exactly why he is one of the best junior-resource investors.You'll hear him share his five most important rules for investing in the volatile sector.He shows us exactly what to look for, how to reduce your risk, and the most important step to finding those 1,000% winners.And... You won't want to miss this... Jeff gives us his favorite idea.HINT: It's a small junior miner that operates in the uranium industry.He believes this company could jump several-hundred percent from its current price over the next few years.Then, Frank has some big news... Find out why he says to "stay away from this massive growth sector..."And, one of the biggest take-overs happened this past weekend, and there is so much more that you need to know about it... you'll get all the details
Ep. 238 Former Market Timer Says Buy Gold Now!
04/06/2014 Durata: 49minThis week, Charles Nenner, former Goldman analyst and founder of The Charles Nenner Research Center, joins S&A Investor Radio as our expert market timer.Frank asks Charles to talk about his methodology for making market calls... and to share some of the details that he looks for.The markets are headed for a big correction, and you'll get all the details here.And, find out why Charles sees massive deflation ahead for the U.S. economy and recommends buying gold right now... Then, in his educational segment, Frank breaks down a major trend happening in the technology world... He gives away his top pick from this analysis... a company that he is expecting massive growth from.You won’t want to miss this… it’s your chance to hear about it before the mainstream picks it up.Enjoy.
Ep. 237 Meb Faber Unplugged
28/05/2014 Durata: 55minThis week, Mebane Faber, portfolio manager at Cambria Investment Management and one of the smartest quantitative analysts, joins S&A Investor Radio to break down the markets.You'll hear Meb talk about diversification and how high yielding stocks almost always outperform the market.People tend to invest in what they know and what they are comfortable with... does that mean they are missing out on this top-down investment strategy?Meb breaks down exactly what you need to know about tactical global asset allocation.And you won't want to miss Meb and Frank's friendly debate regarding the Shiller P/E ratio ... Meb believes it is one of the best tools to value stocks. Find out why Frank strongly disagrees... And in Frank's educational segment, he shows you a safe back door way to play the shale boom in the U.S.