Boost your confidence in speaking Italian in 30 minutes or less with the 30 Minute Italian Podcast. We cover expressions, sometimes sexy grammar, and culture through personal travel stories and detailed examples.
Phrases to Talk About Your Italian Lessons (interview with a student)
15/11/2018 Durata: 18minWe snaked our way through the streets of Florence as we made our way to il mercato di Sant'Ambrogio. I turned toward Mary, “Com’è andata la tua lezione? - How’d your lesson go?” She responded, raising her voice slightly so I could hear her above the clamor, “È andata benissimo, Beatrice è un’insegnante fantastica. - It went well, Beatrice is a fantastic teacher.” These natural walking conversations had become such an integral part of the immersion retreat experience that Rachel & I decided to build more structure around them so students could get more of out of them. Now, every participant who comes on the trip receives a situation-specific workbook that gives them phrases and vocabulary to study before coming on the trip to help them prepare for these spontaneous conversations. I thought it might be cool to give you all a sample of what’s included in this workbook, too. :) Below you’ll see vocabulary and phrases for talking about Italian lessons. And if you’re interested in coming on one of our trips, re
How to Talk About Where You Live
15/11/2018 Durata: 13min“Where are you from? - Di dove sei?” It has to be one of the top ten most frequently asked questions when you meet somebody while abroad in Italy. And while you could just simply say, “Colorado” or “Gli Stati Uniti” and end the conversation, what else could you say to describe where you’re from AND get more language practice in? Let’s pretend that someone asks me, “Com’è Coeur d’Alene? - What is Coeur d’Alene like?” I might say: La città è bellissima! È una destinazione turistica e molte persone famose vivono qua durante l’estate. Abbiamo una lago… che si chiama il lago Coeur d’Alene... hahah… molto creativo / fantasioso come nome, lo so. E poi, che altro? È molto verde, una cosa fantastica perché io sono ossessionata dagli alberi. Oh e ci sono molti sentieri per fare trekking. Vivere là durante l’inverno non è facile, però a me non importa tantissimo. - it’s a beautiful city! It’s a tourist destination and lots of famous people live here during the summer. We have a lake that’s called Lake Coeur d’Alene… ah
14 Ways to Say Thank You in Italian
15/11/2018 Durata: 14min14 Ways to Say Thank You 1) Grazie. - Thank you. 2) Ti ringrazio (informal) /La ringrazio (formal). - Thank you. I miei ringraziamenti - All my gratitude Porgo i miei più sinceri ringraziamenti.- I offer you my sincerest thanks. 3) Grazie mille / mille grazie. - Thanks a million. 4) Grazie tante. - Thanks a lot. 5) Molte grazie. - Many thanks. 6) Grazie di tutto. - Thanks for everything. 7.) Lo apprezzo tanto. - I really appreciate it. 8) Grazie di cuore. - Thanks from the heart. 9) Grazie dal più profondo del cuore. - Thanks from the depth of my heart. 10) Grazie infinite. - Infinite thanks. 11) Grazie di nuovo. - Thanks again. 12) Grazie ancora. - Thanks again. 13) Le/Ti sono grata/o. - I’m grateful to you. 14) Non ho parole per ringraziarti/ringraziarla. - I don’t have words to thank you. 5 Ways to Say You’re Welcome 1) E di che. - It was no big deal. Grazie per il cappuccino! E di che? 2) Figurati - Don’t mention it. Grazie per avermi aiutato con questo compito difficile. Figurati. 3) Di Nien
11 Ways to Say Goodbye in Italian
26/01/2016 Durata: 13minLearn 11 phrases to say goodbye in Italian. PSSSST. This is also the LAST episode of the podcast, so you'll want to listen in to hear about what's next and why I've decided to end it.
How to Start Learning Italian, PT III
19/01/2016 Durata: 18minYou'll learn what a beginner language learner's schedule looks like, the type of activities you can do as a beginner, and where you might hold yourself back from making progress.
How to Start Learning Italian (or How to Go From Only Knowing “Ciao” to Being Conversational) PART II
12/01/2016 Durata: 27minPart II of the 'How to Start Learning Italian' guide.
How to Start Learning Italian (or How to Go From Only Knowing "Ciao" to Being Conversational) PART I
05/01/2016 Durata: 22minWhere to start when you decide to learn Italian.
Italian Word Speed Dates: Allora
29/12/2015 Durata: 10minThe many ways 'allora' is used in the Italian language.
How I've Been Preparing for the CILS Exam
24/11/2015 Durata: 16minThe steps I've been taken to be sure I'm prepared for the Italian CILS exam.
Six Guidelines You Can Use to Choose the “Tu” or the “Lei” Form in Italian
10/11/2015 Durata: 10minHow do you know when to use "tu" and when to use "Lei" in when addressing someone in Italian? This podcast episode gives you 6 guidelines you can use to choose the correct form.
Italian Word Speed Dates: Siccome, Dato che, and Poiché
03/11/2015 Durata: 12minGetting to know the small but useful Italian words siccome, dato che and poiché.
9 Phrases to Use with a Language Partner
20/10/2015 Durata: 09minPhrases to use with an Italian language partner when you're chatting for the first time, when you forget a phrase or when you're trying to talk about various topics.
3 Steps to Making Quick & Satisfying Progress in Italian
06/10/2015 Durata: 11minLearn this 3-step formula for eliminating your weaknesses in Italian.
Is there really a formula for learning Italian? YES.
28/09/2015 Durata: 14minDiscussing the underlying thread of decisions you can make in order to learn Italian.
Behind the Scenes with Italian Learners from The Iceberg Project
22/09/2015 Durata: 22minAn interview with four different Italian learners about their challenges, their strengths and how they're preparing for upcoming trips to Italy.
6 Bad Habits I'm Trying to Break in Italian
15/09/2015 Durata: 16minThe things that I'm struggling with and trying to work on in Italian right now.