Bone Of The Bone: Essays On America By A Daughter Of The Working Class

  • Autore: Sarah Smarsh
  • Narratore: Sarah Smarsh
  • Editore: Simon & Schuster
  • Durata: 11:10:55
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"National Book Award finalist Sarah Smarsh performs a collection of her essays written from 2013–2024. After growing up on a wheat farm in Kansas, Smarsh went on to join academia and found herself writing about her working-class childhood. Drawing connections between such diverse topics as the relationship between socioeconomic status and access to dental care and the fallacies of thinking strictly in terms of red and blue states, Smarsh’s essays are full of sharp observations that are as relevant now as when they were first published. Her clear and direct performance draws the listener in from the first moments of the audiobook. Her essays are full of heart, and her narration captures that emotional depth."


  • 001 BoneOfTheBone Open Dedication

    Durata: 35s
  • 002 BoneOfTheBone Introduction

    Durata: 16min
  • 003 BoneOfTheBone HowIMovedTwentyOneTimesBeforeCollege

    Durata: 07min
  • 004 BoneOfTheBone HighwayConstructionMayUnearthHumanRemains

    Durata: 08min
  • 005 BoneOfTheBone DearDaughterYourMom

    Durata: 16min
  • 006 BoneOfTheBone FreedomMandate

    Durata: 45min
  • 007 BoneOfTheBone PoorTeeth

    Durata: 27min
  • 008 BoneOfTheBone LeedNutgraphAndBody

    Durata: 20min
  • 009 BoneOfTheBone PovertyPrideAndPrejudice

    Durata: 09min
  • 010 BoneOfTheBone LinguisticNoticeForHomoSapiens

    Durata: 05min
  • 011 BoneOfTheBone BelieveIt

    Durata: 14min
  • 012 BoneOfTheBone TheFirstPersonOnMars

    Durata: 37min
  • 013 BoneOfTheBone TheNewMigrants

    Durata: 15min
  • 014 BoneOfTheBone TheWindDoesntStopAtCustoms

    Durata: 08min
  • 015 BoneOfTheBone DangerousIdiots

    Durata: 28min
  • 016 BoneOfTheBone TheJump

    Durata: 22min
  • 017 BoneOfTheBone BloodBrother

    Durata: 13min
  • 018 BoneOfTheBone TheUprisingOfWomenInRedStatesIsJustBeginning

    Durata: 08min
  • 019 BoneOfTheBone TheWinterWheatIHelpedRaise

    Durata: 02min
  • 020 BoneOfTheBone WritingAssignment

    Durata: 09min
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