"Justine Lupe brings a beloved Stephen King character, Holly Gibney, vividly to life with her narration. When a distraught mother with a missing daughter calls Holly’s investigative agency for help, quirky, brilliant Holly takes the case. She soon finds connections to other missing people and is slowly drawn into a world of pure evil. Lupe conveys the depravity of the perpetrators and the horror of the victims to a disturbing yet compelling degree. Listeners will feel like they are part of a true-crime podcast as Lupe transports them to this relentless nightmare. Lupe breathes life into every character—even if that life is not destined to last. Stephen King delivers his author’s note, adding to this amazing listening experience."
061 Holly July24th2021 4
Durata: 02min -
062 Holly July24th2021 5
Durata: 03min -
063 Holly July24th2021 6
Durata: 06min -
064 Holly July24th2021 7
Durata: 03min -
065 Holly February8th2021 1
Durata: 15min -
066 Holly February8th2021 2
Durata: 02min -
067 Holly July24th2021 1
Durata: 02min -
068 Holly July24th2021 2
Durata: 15min -
069 Holly July24th2021 3
Durata: 06min -
070 Holly July24th2021 4
Durata: 04min -
071 Holly July24th2021 5
Durata: 04min -
072 Holly July24th2021 6
Durata: 01min -
073 Holly February12th2021 1
Durata: 21min -
074 Holly February12th2021 2
Durata: 26s -
075 Holly July25th2021 1
Durata: 47s -
076 Holly July25th2021 2
Durata: 07min -
077 Holly July25th2021 3
Durata: 03min -
078 Holly July25th2021 4
Durata: 06min -
079 Holly July25th2021 5
Durata: 02min -
080 Holly July25th2021 6
Durata: 04min