This series of video podcasts is based upon a system for success developed by psychologist, Dr. Bill Crawford, (Ph.D.). The basic premise of this philosophy is that the reason we are less than effective is that the problems in our life trigger the release of certain stress-related chemicals that engage the lower 20% of our brain which is incapable of creative thinking. This results in feelings of stress, frustration, and the desire to either lash out or escape. What makes Dr. Crawford's "Top of the Mind" system unique and powerful is that it shows us how to change the chemical make-up of our body and shift to the upper 80% of our brain where we can access the clarity, confidence, and creativity necessary to bring our best to all aspects of life.
The Power of Resilience
15/06/2021"When the storms of life hit, the resilient adjust their sails." ~ Bill Crawford (
The Power of Focus or Attention
08/06/2021"If we don't pay attention to our focus, or what we are paying attention to… we will never know if the payment is worth the cost." ~ Bill Crawford (
Finally Understanding "Why"
01/06/2021“Until we understand why we react to certain situations with stress, anger, or frustration, we will not have the clarity necessary to deal with life from a place of confidence, creativity, or compassion.” ~ Bill Crawford (
How To Make Core Values Valuable
18/05/2021“Core Values are only truly valuable when taken off of the wall and turned into behaviors that are embraced by all.” ~ Bill Crawford (
How to Avoid Arguments
11/05/2021“You cannot have an argument with a fully conscious person.” ~ Eckhart Tolle (
How to Keep Others from Pushing Our Buttons!
01/05/2021“If buttons are to be pushed, let’s ensure we are doing the pushing, and the buttons represent what we want in ourselves and others.” ~ Bill Crawford (
New Ways to Deal with Negative Emotions
15/04/2021"Until we switch to asking solution-focused questions, we will be stuck in the problem-focused part of the brain." ~ Bill Crawford (
Beyond Just "Coping" With Change
27/03/2021"Coping with change is much like just 'managing' stress...while better than the alternative, it will only allow you to survive versus thrive." ~ Bill Crawford (
How to be Heard, Understood, & Trusted
21/03/2021"To be heard and understood by anyone we need to first be perceived as someone that they trust.” ~ Bill Crawford (
Understanding The Behavior of Others
14/03/2021“Our frame of mind is determined by our frame of reference… best to create both of these by choice versus by chance.” ~ Bill Crawford (
Living by Choice or by Chance
14/02/2021"A life of choice is a life of conscious action, while a life of chance is a life of unconscious reaction. Unless we choose one, we will experience the other.” ~ Bill Crawford (
When Helping Doesn't Help!
09/02/2021”Helpful advice, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. It must be seen as healing before it can be experienced as helpful.” ~ Bill Crawford (
The Case For & Against Optimism
30/01/2021"Optimism is simply the belief that the future will be better than the past, and that I have confidence in my ability to influence the process." ~ Bill Crawford (
Finding Light in the Darkness
23/01/2021"When day comes, we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade? …there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it… If only we're brave enough to be it" ~ Amanda Gorman (
Leadership, Power, & Responsibility
09/01/2021""With great power comes great responsibility." ~ Spiderman (
Claiming (Or Reclaiming) Our POWER
04/01/2021"Feeling powerless is a signal that we have given our power to people or situations that don't deserve the gift." ~ Bill Crawford (
The Neuroscience of Gratitude and Optimism
28/12/2020"The key to dealing with adversity and worry is first to become clear about the power of gratitude and optimism." ~ Bill Crawford (
Teaching Kids to Self-Regulate
22/12/2020“Until we teach our kids to self-regulate, we will be stuck trying to reason with their unreasonable brain, which will only leave everyone stuck in the cycle of conflict.” Bill Crawford (
What To Do When Rushed Or Anxious
14/12/2020“When feeling rushed or anxious, rather than speeding up, try slowing down… just by 2%.” ~ Bill Crawford (
The Neuroscience of Why We Resist Change
10/12/2020"Sometimes we stay in Hell a long time because we have learned the names of the streets." ~ Michael Levine (